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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Little Leprechauns

With St. Patrick's Day approaching I thought I would have a  little fun with the kids.  While they were out at recess I quickly ran "into the washroom" ( Not to worry someone was watching them) to set up a little surprise. I took some green paint from our easel and over turned it.  I then proceeded to make little finger prints in the shape of tiny footprints from the easel to the table.  The footprints walked from lunch box to lunch box inspecting for healthy foods.  The footprints proceeded to go over to the whiteboard and wrote a message for the kids. 

It read  "Dear Children,  I enjoyed playing in your classroom!  My name is Mindy.  I am a Leprechaun from Ireland!  I like to make messes and enjoyed a munch of some of your lunches." 

Upon arriving back into the classroom for lunch I seemed shocked and upset and who had made such a mess and who was the last to be at the easel as there was paint everywhere!!  Everyone denied it (obviously) and then.... we found the note from Mindy.  The looks of surprise and excitement are definelty not something I will forget anytime soon.  They went around telling every teacher in the school about our visitor.  After the commotion was settled we had a circle to discuss St. Patricks Day, Leprechauns and why it is important to tidy messes.  As a class we wrote Mindy back saying its not polite to come in a mess up something and eat things that don't belong to you.  We also asked her about rainbows and gold. 

Tomorrow I will hide gold coins around the room- one for each child and write another note from Mindy.  Man.. my job is fun!